Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016: #4

4.Your Tide-MOBS

Let us all take one second to give a moment of silence for all that could have been because unfortunate for us all what I can only assume is dispute among the members ended what was the beginning of a great thing a moment please.


OK now that we've gotten that out of the way MOBS was for all intensive purposes a group that came in like a fucking fire, a collective of musicians including two in particular that manage to time and time again bring out the best in any band they're a part of weather it's through their own creation or as backing musicians and are the reason I went to one of the best EP release shows I've been to this whole year.

This song fucking rocks plain and simple it's a slow start to one spectacular fucking chorus that I very much get so into whenever I listen to it and it just doesn't fucking let up Micheal Schley delivers a vocal performance that is just damn near perfect in it's delivery and the overall band arrangement and steady but purposeful guitar work is on point to a degree that you just kind of find yourself down right addicted to this song. For real you'll get to a point where even after it's done you can't reach that replay button fast enough.

It's a god damn shame things don't work out because this had all the potential in the world but fuck it I guess one of the best shows and songs of the year is good enough for somebody out there and at the very least as sad as it is that I won't get to see MOBS again I can rest in knowing that the two core members of this group who were responsible for everything great about this band have managed to carve out maybe the next best new band in the form of the awesomely bad ass Westside Royal which isn't MOBS but I'm pretty sure they'll be something even better.

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