Friday, December 30, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016: #1

1.Cool Heat-Momma's Boy

You know my fascination with this song was a very slow burning kind of deal because I remember seeing these guys at The Homegrown Buzz Showcase and being told how dope they were by my favorite local DJ and all I remember about their set was that it was one of the most awesome fucking shows I'd seen but oddly enough I couldn't remember any of the details about it and all I had was this awesome little sheet of paper with a download code and whenever I redeemed that download code it seemed to have opened a crazy little world for me.

From some of the nicest outdoor spaces, to slick city bars, to this bands god damn basement Momma's Boy are a hell of a captivating act that craft some ingeniously simple tunes that just take your attention and make you think to yourself, “GOD DAMNIT THIS IS THE BEST FUCKING BAND EVER!” and all I've gotten to just cling on is this one fucking song and OH GOD DAMN is it just too fucking good for it's own right.

You know basic songwriting 101 verse chorus verse the idea that you give a verse and then follow it up by the hook to you know give everyone something to remember and cling onto since it's what we all remember you know things like, “Sweet dreams are made of the years, who am I to disagree,” “Don't Stop Believing, hold on to that feeling, Streetlights people oh-a-oh,” “I fucked 17 girls in a grocery store and I didn't lose my erection,” you know stuff like that.

This song on the other hand is a bit different because in a way it reminds me of a song I adore called, “Standing in the Rain,” by Husker Du in that it instead of going verse chorus verse it instead uses the first half of it's run time to bust out a couple of verses in succession before reaching around the 2 minute mark when you finally get a proper chorus that's just one god damn phenomenal if not ingeniously simple piece of songwriting and performance that at that very second hooks you and GOD DAMNIT did this song hook me.

This song starts out very unassumingly with some simple strumming of a very surf rock tuned guitar that then bust out in an awesome little swirling burst of everyone jumping into the pool at once with the whole band just then making things very dreamy and awesome before the vocals then start and just mesh so perfectly well with things in such a natural way that you can't help but not realize that you're almost 2 minutes in before it bust out one simple but so perfectly executed line, “cause you're coming closer, closer,”and GOD DAMNIT that fucking line it's just so fucking simple but so good because it's simple to sing along to and it'll make you fucking move I know because I just love jumping around singing it over and over either in the privacy of my own humble abode or whenever I'm seeing them perform it live this oh to awesome bit of musical nirvana just kind of reminds me of why under 4 minutes is so good because out of nowhere and most immediately it just ends...done...bam that's it the song is in a whirling haze of totally fucking awesome just done leaving you standing there cold, a little bit scared, and feeling like you just had the best god damn 3 minutes and 55 seconds of your god damn life.....but then you hit that repeat button.

There's a reason this song is Number 1 and I said it back when I first talked about it earlier this year this song will just kind of crawl into that special little part of your brain that tells you, “Hey this is totally fucking awesome,” and it'll just make a cozy little spot there maybe pour itself a nice cold one and it'll just fucking take residence there and never leave and to be honest I don't think I'd let it leave either because the unexplained out of nowhere quality of fascination this song brought me this year is something I definitely wouldn't want to have just leave.

Also in all honesty this song kind of is a bit symbolic for my year in a nutshell because between April to October of this year I probably attended more shows than I could have even possibly thought I'd ever of been able to and it's because of this Homegrown Showcase that I attended and the vast amount of immensely talented and incredible acts that this city is filled with from Rachel Mallin and the Wild Type, Yes You Are, Kangaroo Knife Fight, Vigils and Thieves, The Uk's, Brave the Spirit, and of course Momma's Boy I've meet some bad ass and talented fucking people that have made my life quite a bit more eventful and given me a load of new friends and some of the best god damn performances I could have ever thought of seeing and fuck I even had a god damn concert in my house which is fucking mind blowing to say the least.

It's this band and the fact that I decided to give them a view at the showcase that eventually lead me to drive out to a house in some random part of Kansas to see them again which lead to me meeting a variety of people that I'm not sure that I'd ever of really gotten to know and managed to make things a little bit better even if I'm still kind of all over the place in my emotions at least I got to rock the fuck out to some great god damn songs and this one in all honesty is more definitively than any other year of top 20's the truest number 1 song of the year Momma's Boy are the fucking best god damn band in Kansas City and every song is a god damn winner that they do and I'll keep supporting them as long as possible and keep treasuring every set list even if I could literally have enough to wallpaper and an entire wall in my house.

Well there you go Kansas City proved that it has the best songs of the year let's see if next year everyone else can catch up thanks for all the support to every band who shared and everyone who enjoyed what I write you're the best here's to what I plan to be a drastic change in style here in 2017 so stay tune for that change to be announced come January but until then happy holiday's to all and here's to one crazy year.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016: #2

2.(Mr.)Love Drunk-Kangaroo Knife Fight

What's kind of funny to think about is the fact that I only got to see ONE full show from this band this year and all it took was one show and a phenomenal EP to have these guy's at the number 2 spot on my list which is fucking crazy to think about because the majority of songs that were on this years list I saw get played multiple times in a variety of places and really got to know a wide variety of the bands in question and saw so much growth but with these guy's all I got was a small taste at a showcase and a few conversations at said showcase and one hour long EP release show that was 9 different kinds of spectacular, and it's the first track from that EP that left an impact that was larger than I could have possibly imagined.

In all of 3 words to describe this band I'd have to say THEY FUCKING ROCK for real with one of the best god damn vocalist Kansas City has to offer  in the form of one Anthony Avis along with the tightest most solid musicians around this band showcases pretty much everything that makes a band great and when faced with a phenomenal set of 4 songs this song in particular stood out right from the get go as something spectacular.

From Avis' delivery of the line, “Mr. Mr. Love drunk, She's out of my league now, was a fool to believe knock me to my knees, knock me to my knees,” you feel like a drunk Kangaroo getting rejected by every gorgeous woman around,which minus the whole being a Kangaroo is a pretty accurate way to describe most of my dating life this year, but that little awkward bit of mental imagery is irrelevant because this song not only has some of the most powerhouse vocals but it also has the musicianship to back it up with some solidly tight and steady paced tones that evoke all the best thoughts of past Kings of Leon tunes you get a track that has an addictive in way's that only a select number of other tracks could really match for me.

In it's simplest forms this song is maybe the best example of just how great this band works as a unit because it's everything you could want in a rock song with it's larger than life chorus that just begs to be sang along to and a sound that has commercial appeal but isn't stiff or generic you're left with a song that leaves you with this dangerously addictive urge to just listen to it on repeat for months on end with only small breaks here and there before you eventually find yourself crawling right back to it time and time again and after 8 fucking months I still fucking just adore this god damn song.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016: #3

3.Dropout-Rachel Mallin and the Wild Type

So I started a twitter late last year and like Myspace of yesteryear I came to realize it's a platform of a lot of bands reaching out to a lot of people in an attempt to really get their music out there and one day just out of the blue one Rachel Mallin decided to follow me on there and I'm not a hundred percent sure what but I decided to actually check out her stuff and at the time I remember the only thing immediately available was a page to a kickstarter campaign for the as yet to be released Degenerate Matters EP and I'm not going to lie as much as that video amused the ever loving fuck out of it and as cool as the 15 second clip of Dropout was I didn't have the money to pay towards it and I kind of am weary of those kinds of things because you really don't know what you're going to get.

Now with that in mind I eventually just asked her if she had any other music out and that's when she told me to just look her up and upon doing that I found out that I had one of her songs on an old Spotify playlist that I quite enjoy and after going through a VERY sudden and sad breakup I kind of found her music to be incredibly therapeutic with specifically her track Razorback, which I manged to write a very nice little article about in one of my KC showcase's, being something that I formed a bit of an obsession with that actually lead me to really give Dropout a solid chance an that lead to me really investing in this band.

When I was coming up with this list I originally intended on putting White Girls in this spot because for all intense purposes it's not only a fucking spectacular song, has proved to be a good launchpad for this group, and has lead to plenty of solid radio play to cause people to REALLY take notice of this band and it's quite a great breakout single I just kind of couldn't really do that because if I were to be really honest this song is just something of a beast of it's own.

It's maybe the simplest fucking song they have released right now, a very autobiographical tale obviously inspired by Rachel's decision to drop out of college in order to achieve a dream and a passion that holds way more importance to her than a sleeve of paper and massive debt this song more so than any of the rest of Degenerate Matters is maybe the most passionately important sounding tune she's done so far.

For real every single time I've seen them live the embarrassingly large number of times that is they end their fucking phenomenal live show with this song Rachel putting her guitar down and firmly grasping her microphone in hand before she then belts out this song with the most ferocious intensity, “They'll pray for you, they'll pray for you,” screamed with all the intensity she can muster it really get's driven in just how good this really is and the more time I spend getting to see this band evolve and listen to them live or on whatever device I feel the need to have their music blasting out of this song right here just consistently seems to grow in both importance and quality.

This song is absolutely phenomenal and it deserves all the praise I can possibly give it and then some and if any cool independent directors are out there they need to put this in a movie because I'll be the first mother fucker in line to see it that's for god damn sure.

This band is honestly responsible for the single greatest live set that I saw all year and this song is the thing that lead me to check this band out and go see them live all those times and see that phenomenal performance that has stuck with me in a way that few other shows have managed to come just a hair short of that shows utter magic.

Again I fucking love this band.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016: #4

4.Your Tide-MOBS

Let us all take one second to give a moment of silence for all that could have been because unfortunate for us all what I can only assume is dispute among the members ended what was the beginning of a great thing a moment please.


OK now that we've gotten that out of the way MOBS was for all intensive purposes a group that came in like a fucking fire, a collective of musicians including two in particular that manage to time and time again bring out the best in any band they're a part of weather it's through their own creation or as backing musicians and are the reason I went to one of the best EP release shows I've been to this whole year.

This song fucking rocks plain and simple it's a slow start to one spectacular fucking chorus that I very much get so into whenever I listen to it and it just doesn't fucking let up Micheal Schley delivers a vocal performance that is just damn near perfect in it's delivery and the overall band arrangement and steady but purposeful guitar work is on point to a degree that you just kind of find yourself down right addicted to this song. For real you'll get to a point where even after it's done you can't reach that replay button fast enough.

It's a god damn shame things don't work out because this had all the potential in the world but fuck it I guess one of the best shows and songs of the year is good enough for somebody out there and at the very least as sad as it is that I won't get to see MOBS again I can rest in knowing that the two core members of this group who were responsible for everything great about this band have managed to carve out maybe the next best new band in the form of the awesomely bad ass Westside Royal which isn't MOBS but I'm pretty sure they'll be something even better.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016: #5

5.Wasted On You-Bleached

Of all the acts that were probably my favorite just kind of out of the blue discovery from radio I'd have to say this little group of punk rockers is my favorite and Welcome to the Worms is a bad ass fucking album just chock full of bad ass songs, and while I should be most likely be putting tracks like, “Keep On Keepin' On,” or “Wednesday Night Melody,” for being some pretty spectacular radio singles that do a good job of getting one interested in buying the album it's actually this deep cut that just completely sold me on this band.

“Getting Glassed what's a girl to do? I'm a mess it's nothing really new, Hoping you can see how hard I'm tripping, ditching friends just to go to your shows, and watch you sing about another girl, oh I might start dying,”

With that line I was just hooked right the fuck there at the time my heart was broken and I had just heard this band on the radio and decided to give their album a listen and that line right the fuck there just kind of hit me right in the feels.

I remember I actually got to talk to Jennifer Clavin about that  and she thought it was pretty sad that I was heartbroken which was kind of sweet to see she seemed to care about some random strangers feels.

I also remember telling her about how this song reminds me in a lot of ways of the song Superstar by the Carpenters in it's longing for a rock star imagery in the lyrics at points and the fact that it's an incredibly heartbroken number that reeks of longing for that which you don't have which are amplified when you're not entirely over heartbreak and can helped in it's own way in giving you something to grab onto when you're looking to get over those feelings.

So after my first time seeing them at Beach Ball they came back around town on Halloween and I saw them again but a few hours before their show they did an acoustic version of this on the radio and to say that it was a fucking mind blowing experience is an understatement of a century and the fact that they've yet to put up an audio recording of that interview is fucking painful because I just wish the world could just hear it over and over again because it was the final reminder of just why I put it so high on my list this year.

This song is the most wonderfully heartbreaking and simple song this band has done and it's simple premise along with it's fairly short run time of just over 3 minutes and a very old school alternative sound make a tune that caught me on it's first rotation and never let go and getting to tell this group in person just how important this song is to me is quite great........even if they forgot to play it when they promised me they would but hey I'm not mad because of that radio performance and the fact that they even made this song in the first place.

So yeah this band is FUCKING AWESOME! And they've managed to make one of the few albums that I really could consider something great this year.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas People

What is up readers of this fine little blog of mine as you know it's Christmas and Monday marks the top 5 tracks of the year which I am mondo excited about but today I'm spending some quality time with the family up here in the arctic tundra that is Montana but even with that I figured that I'd take the time to wish everyone a Merry Christmas from all of know I say that but it's really just me that does all the writing for this blog...whatever it's Christmas and I can't lie I kind of miss Kansas City a bit today so I figured I'd have a bit of that Kansas City love up here by posting what's the second best Christmas track of all time a little local act known as Shadow Rabbits wonderfully catchy rendition of the awkward holiday classic that is your mom being a cheating who....I's I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause people and this bands wonderful kind of surf rock tone that they put on it is utterly infectious once that bass line kicks in and helps perfectly balance some excellent vocals and really seems to of finally convinced me to enjoy a Christmas song for the first time since...I don't entirely remember when but it's great and this band has some quality releases you can download FOR FREE! also there's a pretty dope video of it on Youtube.

SO yeah happy holiday's I can't wait to show some special thanks to the 5 bands that made my favorite songs of the year and give reason as to just why this town has been the best thing to me this year but you'll have to wait to read that dose of kindness but until then get fucked up and don't try to get too annoyed with your family and why not download this track with maybe a little donation if you want to be nice.

Happy holiday's to all you lovely people I think I'm a go eat some Chinese food and get my drank on...

Friday, December 23, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016: #6

6.Brave the Spirit-Lucy

I remember writing in my first KC Showcase about this band and their EP The Beautiful Fight which is a bit strange to look back because I remember kind of liking the second half more than the first when I first covered it but after seeing these guy's preform these tracks a few times since then I kind of flipped what tracks I can honestly say are my favorites from it and looking at the songs they've made and seeing them play them in a live environment I have to say that hands down this is the best thing this band has probably done as of now.

Lucy sounds like you're going down the California coast line with some super dreamy guitar work, the flock of seagulls sound at the beginning, and the general aesthetic it presents in it's lyrics and delivery have a song that feels very bright and summery and gives the listener this feeling of simultaneously floating on air and wanting to just jump around and play some fucking air guitar. 

It's admittedly not the most complicated piece of work but it's something that when you see them play it live you realize something just clicks about this song because from all the times I've seen them play no matter what they have presented or any technical difficulties that may plague their set at any given moment for some reason every single time just stands out and no matter what the situation is they seem to always just give 110% of all their efforts and it shows because they nail it EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME.

For real these guys are like a hurricane of energy just erupting all over the place and this song just seems to cut through any technical difficulties that happen just fucking vanish and you're left with something that's special and maybe it's the fact that their lead singer Austyn Ryan dedicates it to his sister every performance because it's her favorite song but you can tell just listening to it and seeing them play it that you're in for something special every time because this song is something REALLY special it's hard to quite put your finger on just what it is but it's undeniably high level of quality is something that will hit you at some point and it's at that point that you then realize that this band is worth giving a damn about.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016: #7

7.Vigil and Thieves-Vicious Ears

I'm just going to say that these have to be some of the nicest fucking people I've gotten the pleasure of meeting and hanging out with and that I legitimately hope that the best is to come to these guy's sooner than later because they deserve it.

OK now that I've said that it's time to talk about how fucking bad ass this song is, Vicious Ears is a very kind of punk tinged alternative rock tune that starts out with some very jumpy guitar work and is followed by Sarah Storm singing with a voice that's equal parts playful and dynamic in a lot of ways especially the chorus and it's long sustained notes and the delivery of the line, “This may be more,” which just crawls it's way deep into your mind and perfectly balances along with some verses that have a bit of a staccato feel to them and lyrics like, “Monsters with guns and a limited one on these city streets, Monsters in Armani suits who say they know what's best for you,” you get a song that's very VERY catchy and easy to sing along with but is also hiding more meaningful lyrics than your average radio fair and manages to not be up it's own ass in a lot of ways.

These well delivered lines and it's dreamy guitar work along with all the individual members talents as musicians showcase how to make a song that blends just enough pop sensibilities with all the grit of alternative rock to form a very simple dancey post punk tune that I just fucking love and have yet to have a disappointing time when seeing them perform it live. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016: #8

8.The UK's-Love at a Glance

So I'm a go out on a limb on this one with this bad ass little collective of kids looking to make a name for themselves and instead of going for their obvious singles that I'd highlight a tune that in all honesty I kind of remember actually kind of hitting me straight in the feels the first time I heard it which happen to be at their album release show and it's a song that in all honesty seems to stand out for me in the subsequent shows I've seen them play.

Love at a glance is an incredibly simple tune that sounds like being under a spot light having a slow dance with the most beautiful girl in the world, it's a delightfully simple tune that isn't trying to be anything particularly special but somehow manages to become something very special to you especially when you see them play it live because like other songs I've talked about or am going to cover on this list this song just kind of seems to take on an otherworldly vibe to it when they play it live and one Noah Bartelt seems to always deliver a performance that's even better than the album performance every fucking time.

I see good things in this bands future and know that they have so many other great tracks on the horizon and I for one will most certainly be keeping my ears open for all of those tracks.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016 #9

9.Yes You Are-HGX

I'm just going to throw it out there that Yes You Are's Kianna Alarid is quite possibly the best female vocalist in all of Kansas City and that this band may be the most densely talented group of people to boot because one Billy Williams is a fucking phenomenal bass player and excellent front man in his own right with his other project Drugs and Attics and Mrs. Alarid's songwriting partner in crime Jared White is just fucking knows how to craft a great god damn song and of all the surefire hit's in the waiting that this band has at their fingertips I'd have to say that this song is most certainly the easiest pick to highlight.

From it's utterly simple but effective synth lead in and vocal back-masking to Alarid's full throat assault on the chorus this song is 3 minutes of pop perfection in every possible way. The chorus is infectiously catchy, the verses are interesting, White harmonizes in the most complimentary way possible with Alarid, and most of all this song just makes you want to fucking dance.

There's a reason it's been used in a bunch of movies, ad campaigns, and various tv spots it's because this song is just pure unadulterated pop perfection from a band that very well may be the biggest thing to ever come out of this city if they decide to just say fuck it and take over the world already.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016: #10

10.DREAMERS-Sweet Disaster

I can't lie I fucking love this band so much so that I literally bought a ticket to a show just because they were opening it and finally getting to see them play live FUCKING TWICE! Front row and getting the set-list both times is really something especially since Wolves is still an outstandingly phenomenal piece of alternative rock that only solidified itself as a song that I just can't help but adore whenever I saw them play it at both shows.

So whenever they finally put out their debut album, “This Album Does Not Exist,” I've been racking my brain trying to figure out which of it's other 10 bad ass dance able new wave tinged tracks I'd put on this year end list because in all honesty it's one of the few albums this year that I actually enjoyed and not only purchased but have managed to still listen to all the way through semi consistently since then without it wearing out it's welcome and that's quite the feat because almost all the acts that I've enjoyed years prior have just put out some real clunkers this year and in what's been maybe the most disappointing year of my life it's quite nice for at least one thing from the past year to be worth getting invested in.

Now what song could I possibly pick? Well in all honesty it was tough because, “DRUGS,” is a fucking bad ass tongue and cheek message to society, “Come Down Slow,” is an introspective feel good of a jam, and “Shooting Shadows,” is a personal favorite in it's deliciously dirty lyrics over a very ominously depressing beat but when I kind of listen to the album all the way through and think really hard about it I think this is one instance where I kind of have to go with the main promo single of the whole thing.

“Sweet Disaster,” it's a semi introspective feeling rocker filled with plenty of references to the likes of The Ramones, Rolling Stones, and Talking Heads in-between the various feelings of doubt in what's a sounds like a relationship that's been through a variety of things to lead to a crossroads and while the song has a very optimistic tone there's still an undercurrent of doubt in it's lyrics that help give meaning to the phrase Sweet Disaster and it's that theme among a lot of their tunes that like WOLVES before it I can't help but be attracted to.

These guy's are one of the better bands I've seen come along in qutie some time and I'd very much advise picking up their record because it's quite the listen from beginning to end and their live show is absolutely phenomenal.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016: #11

11.The 1975-UGH!

I have to give Matt Healy and company credit for really becoming a phenomenon in and of themselves off what was really quite a good debut album that I still feel is a strong record but if I were to be honest if there was a band I could say that I fell out any harder with it'd be this little group of Englishmen.

It's not to say their music is trash because on the contrary their newest effort, “I Like it when you sleep,” and the overly long title galore has plenty of good songs on it...that happen to sound just like a host of other more interesting musicians that either are more significant or are terribly underrated like INXS, but when they're good they are in-fact quite great and in terms of all the songs I can recall from what was the most spectacularly forgettable release of the year and of all the good ones that actually sounded like a genuine 1975 tune I'd have to go with this slice of groove in the form of UGH!

So this song is probably the best lyrically of all the tongue and cheek that this band is pretty well established in with my favorite line about how, “This song only last 3 minutes,” and it's actually 3 minutes which is very stupid funny I'll admit but when you contrast that with this song being a not so thinly veiled tune about Healy's drug habit over a very unassumingly catchy melody you realize just why kinds think their so edgy and cool listening to what's a formula that's been done for years.

Although I will admit formulaic or not this song is fucking catchy and I sang along to it way more than I'd think I would considering, “The Sound,” and, “Somebody Else,” are significantly better tunes overall but they both just kind of didn't really capture my attention or weren't really only good because of somebody else like a great local act doing a solid cover or sounding like one of Daft Punks best songs.

Overall I haven't lost faith in this band I just hate squealing obsessive teenage fan-girls and this groups fans are some of the fucking worst because they've yet to realize that they aren't a particularly good band as much as an incredibly fashionable one.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016: #12

12.Westside Royal-Not the Same

Michael Schley and McQuiston Bowes are two of the most talented musicians this town has to offer and you'll learn just how much so here a little later on this list but for now Westside “MOTHER FUCKING WEST SIIIIIIDE!” Royal are maybe the best new band on the god damn block.

From the ashes of MOBS like a fucking phoenix rose a band who's goal is to fucking rock the god damn house and this song is a fucking damn excellent bit of funky little dance tinged poppy alternative rock that has a kind of Walk the Moon vibe to it's effortless blend of rock song structures with really hooky chorus' that fucking had me hooked the second I first heard this sweet ass jam, and with an EP just recently released with 2 other fucking effortlessly bad ass offerings you're in for a god damn treat once they record the rest of what's going to soon be some of your favorite songs.

Believe me when I say they'll have you yelling WESTSIIIIIIIDE! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016: #13

13.Fitz and the Tantrums-Complicated

So I can't lie the new album Fitz and the Tantrums put out this year just kind of flew completely over my head and Handclap while being a good track in a live environment is overall an overly commercialized attempt at making another Walker which in and of itself was nothing more than a solid track that got bigger than it ever should have.

Fitz and company in all honesty are best when they're making tracks that aren't trying to be commercial jingles and instead let Noel and Fitz kind of play off each other in either a kind of romantic or playful sense and in all honesty seeing this live is probably what got me to like it so much because I didn't listen to any of the new songs before their set at beach ball this year and this song was the standout from all the new stuff because unlike Roll Out or Hand clap this one isn't trying to be something commercial and kind of like Burn it Down its kind of a very simple track that has Noel and Fitz playing off one another with neither really taking center stage which is kind of nice considering how often they've enjoyed flip flopping tracks over the past few albums.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Sam's top 20 of 2016: #14

14.Hembree-Holy Water

One of Kansas City's best bands is back people and while 2016 was a quiet year for them if this song is any indication they're about to fucking own the fuck out of 2017 and will most likely be a serious contender for that top 10 spot before you know it.

If you've ever had the pleasure of getting to see these guys live then you should know that they're one energetic pack of utter ass kicking rock and roll fury and upon seeing this jam in a live environment I'm sure it's bound to become a permanent set closer.

What we have here is a track that just screams forth with some of their most in your face guitar work, controlled but screamed vocals, and a run time that'll leave you begging for more. An echoing thunderous track that has to be seen to be believed because while the studio track is quite solidly awesome the real magic is being there feeling the feedback and watching this kind of tribal and barely under 3 minute jam end what's bound to be one of the best show's you'll see from any band.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016: #15


I remember the first time I heard this track it was when I saw that they were opening for X-Ambassadors on St. Patrick's day and I wanted to get an idea of what to expect and this was the only song they had available for listening and whenever I got to see them I was a little too drunk to properly remember it which in all honesty is kind of funny when I think about it in retrospect but I guess that's kind of irrelevant here.

Fast forward to all of a few weeks later and quite a bit more sober I saw these guy's open this years Homegrown Buzz Showcase and I was impressed that this group that's a bit like Kansas City's 1975 put on one bad ass show so of course I made sure to follow them on the social medias and give a few more shows a viewing an over time they've really managed to grow and make some damn good songs that could help take them away from that local band that sounds like the 1975 title.

Now while I was really tempted to put their incredibly bad ass jam, “Rolling Thunder,” this songs success on the buzz has been pretty impressive and even now months later while yes it's a bit too much like the 1975 it's still a solidly catchy tune that still is really quite good and a great introduction to a band that can potentially go on to do some great stuff and I fully expect them to do so.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016: #16

16.The Yotes-Waste My Time

Bitter breakup songs are a bit of a pleasure of mine if the past 6 years haven't made obvious to all of this blogs readers but for one of these tracks to transcend petty bullshit they have to have some sense of musical girth and that's where this track from one of Kansas City's finest collective of musicians and truly one of the most guaranteed great concerts you'll see comes to mind.

If I were to be honest what sold me on this song rather than their proven radio hit California Lovers is the fact that in what's already a fucking spectacularly bad ass fucking live show this song manages to just always and I mean ALWAYS deliver the fucking ass kicking jam heavy rock and roll fury that their often extended tightly performed songs do and this one from that opening rift to it's echoing coo's of the line, “Don't Waste My Time,” are as awesome as they are dreamy.

You get a track that just kind of steadily moves along and has even tighter percussion and guitar work than California Lovers which is more radio focused remix ready fare and as cool as that is sometimes I just want my face rocked off and this song delivers on that in spades but still manages to also have enough musicality to kind of make you groove a bit.

So yeah this song kicks ass and these guy's have been one of the most consistently spectacular live acts that I've had the pleasure of seeing this year and it's crazy to believe that they're still pretty fucking new and have managed to carve out among many other great bands in the city as being a sight to see so if they're this great now I can only imagine what more headlining gigs and time to write songs is going to do.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016: #17

17.Coastless-The Way

What we have here is a case of a band that just kind of was there at one of my favorite shows of the year and just kind of decided to disappear into thin air which is kind of a shame because all I really had to remind me of this cute little synth pop duo was a set list and a lingering note about a song that they've yet to record being really good, but upon finding their soundcould account I was blessed to at least have a bad ass little well done original tune to listen to in the form of this sweet little synth pop number The Way.

This song is really simplicity at it's finest a simple duet of a tune with some light guitar work and a very steady synth line that all form together to make a tune that is really quite enjoyable and in the months since they've seemed to fall off the face of the earth this tune is a great reminder of what's likely to be a sleeper hit of an album on the horizon that I'll be definitely on the lookout to give a listen to.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016: #18

18.Psychic Heat-Stranger

So if I were to ever describe this band I'd have to say that they sound like Piper at the Gates of Dawn Era Pink Floyd played out of a basement with a shit load of swirling psychedelic guitar work and heavy garage rock tones this band puts on a live show so god damn spectacular that most of their recorded catalog seems to just feel hallow because it's incredibly difficult to capture the captivating nature of this bands live aura which will hook you from the first note and instantly sell you right there on the spot.

Although that statement about them not being able to quite capture the live aura is kind of wrong because near the later end of this year these guy's decided to put out this little 7 inch record with a song that managed to do the impossible be as awesome on recording as it is live and that's where today's pick comes to play.

Stranger is a swirling little garage rock number that gives off these very 60's rock and roll vibes and high pitched vocals that lead it to have a kind of Sgt Peppers era Beatles feel which translates perfectly among their more jammy numbers as a fast paced breath of fresh are to give you something to jump around and rock the fuck out to.

This song is so god damn good that it almost makes you forget that there's another side to that awesome record if you can BUY IT NOW! And if this band comes to your neck of the woods SEE THEM! Trust me it'll be the best choice you've made in quite some time.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016: #19

19.Coast Modern-Hollow Life

I saw this band open for the Wombats this year and I'm not going to lie I was pretty damn impressed with their laid back nature and found their show to be incredibly solid but of all the things that stuck most with me after seeing them was just how god damn dope this track in particular was.

Hollow life for lack of a better descriptor is a track that just begs for you to light a joint and let the groove just carry you all the way.

It's a very reggae tinged rocker with a chorus that's one part dreary and another part floaty as hell and when you hear them sing it it's most certainly bound to get stuck in your head and leave you playing it on repeat quite a bit.

It's not an overly complicated track that really needs too much explanation really it is just a fucking killer groove that's structured very well and goes just long enough to make you want more.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016: #20

So if I were to put 2016 in a blanketed statement in terms of what I heard on the radio I'd have to say that this was quite possibly the weakest fucking year in music I've probably ever heard and it's the complete lack of pure unadulterated quality material coming out my radio that lead me to more often then not just turn the fucker off and look around for new music the old fashioned way.

This years list will have a lot of local music because 2016 is the year my concert attendance and attempt to do something in the local scene fucking exploded and while I didn't ever seem to want to post consistent articles on here I didn't stop the creative process and in this year I've heard some spectacularly exceptional tunes that didn't get any fucking radio play what so ever and while there will be actual hits on this years list for the most part I'm sure you won't see a bunch of shit that you'd expect I know you definitely won't see any Twenty One Pilots, Drake, The Chainsmokers, or anything else that most popular media is likely to praise that's for god damn sure.

Now with that in mind let's not bullshit too long and let the music do the talking as we kick off Sam's Top 20 of 2016....

20.The Shameless Pursuit-Doubt

This band is one of many that I decided to give a chance after they decided to randomly follow me on Twitter and I'm not going to lie right from day one this song sold me on them and after all this time and the fact that I got to catch them for one show and see them play what was a fucking phenomenal performance of this very song only set it in stone that this was going to be on my list.

This song stands out in that it's a more electric rocking cut in comparison to the vast majority of acoustic kind of singer songwriter heavy tracks that occupy their Fail It Forward EP.

This track has a kind of old school 90's emo feel with it's lower end production that sounds like it was recorded in an open room which is actually a good thing because it gives the vocals and guitars a very echoing tone that perfectly accentuate the kind of dreamy nature of it's guitar work and dreary lyrics to help make a song that will make you take notice of this band for sure and if you want to hear what's probably the most pitch perfect set of vocalist around I'd very much advise seeing them live because I'm still blown away to of heard them play all these songs just pitch perfect live.