Friday, December 18, 2020

Twenty Twent-EH a Manifesto

 This year fucking sucks ass.

Due to a racist ass fascist fucking moron leading our nation and being irresponsible in the face of a global pandemic we are now in a situation where people are sick, out of work, blindly hoping a rushed vaccine does the job, and in a scenario where the mental state of the collective couldn't be at any more of a low.

There's a culture war of people wanting people to give a shit about people vs people who don't give no fucks and think the mass genocidal idea of herd immunity is how we get through a virus that could have been prevented if the leadership in question cared more about actually being an adequate leader rather than a racist narcissist's who only care's about whatever numbers the less than 1 percenters are pulling off of the slave labor of a society of people who really want the freedom to live their life and be comfortable where they are but instead we've had it drilled into us that we need to ride or die and live that grind to get that bread but really you never will get that bread because you'll be dead or destroyed before you even get to mix the flour and water together to form a dough for fuck fucking sake.

I tried to bring this back out of sheer frustration towards my associates inability to listen to or form decently constructed opinions on anything due to either sheer ignorance or the inability to deal with criticism it's fucking infuriatingly annoying to not be able to express your own thoughts and opinions without everyone around you being a giant fucking pussy about you not being one hundred percent in agreement with everything they also like, and yes while the opposite is also annoying I'm tired of this both sides narrative that we seemingly have to keep doing because yeah some people are bad but at the very least they aren't justifying terrible things to happen.

Yes that statement is political I have my own collective set of beliefs and opinions that are the foundation of what I consider right or wrong in this world and those things lead me to try and change and fix systems to prevent them from happening like voting against a cock sucking mother fucker that wants to call nazis marching down the streets yelling "Jews will not replace us" very fine people or who thinks that it's fine to send the military to attack people protesting a broken criminal justice system that let's racist get away scot free for killing people of color at a higher rate than their Caucasian counterparts I'm just saying people that's fucked up and you honestly can't expect people to idly sit by and let that shit happen to them Martin thought that was a good idea and he got shot so fuck it those monuments to capitalism can eat shit and fuck off when people are dying the thing we shouldn't be concerned with is buildings but rather then establishment that's letting those brick shit houses be more important than the society that built them.

This is why it's hard to want to just sit by and be like, "hey everyone I know the world around you is burning but hey this new song is SUUUUUPER CATCHY ignore the fascist regime around you and instead placate yourself with this catchy ass jam yo," just doesn't really seem like something that we all need because I get the feeling living in some weird idealized world of hey everything is fine meme isn't what we all need to do.


No we all gotta realize that shit's not very good and we have a host of improvements that need to be made in order to really get there as a society and yes music, movies, games, and what have you are our mental escape from what's a draining point in our cultural zeitgeist I really do truly feel that and I really REALLY just have wanted to say since before covid happened that this is the best song of the year...

The irony not withstanding this year didn't honestly get any better but that song for me was kind of an amalgamation of anticipation I had because I saw those guy's play that song at their fist show around 4 years ago and when they finally released it I was legit hyped and happy and while there's other songs that triggered a sense of joy and elation for me this year they where predominantly older tracks that I was very much late to the party in getting to finally listening to and everything going on with the whole concert industry basically going under and around 90% of  music venues getting ready to belly up and go away make this influx of awesome that was forming seem like a fever dream of sorts.

People are trying one Ben Wendt of The Way Way Back has a pretty bitching podcast called Ope! radio where he does his best every week to inform everyone about the fantastic Kansas City collective of musicians making great stuff in the wake of the corporatized killing of 96.5 The Buzz which if I'm a be real was a death that didn't hit so hard considering I was honestly feeling a detachment from the station over the past year or 2 due to the realization that I'm not the audience they want and I kind of in some regards am regressing in taste because the new crop of shenanigans they wanna push out isn't my cup of tea.

This longwinded series of words vomited on this screen are one last throwback to the format that birthed this site a collective of random thoughts and emotions I feel in regards to the world around me, I don't honestly feel 2021 is gonna have any more #SamSOTD because if I'm going to be real in 10 years I think I've just become my joked title of being a professional nobody to which I mean that I've accomplished a few cool fringe things for myself but not actually gotten any more ahead in regards to my prospective writing aspirations than when I was fresh out of high school and suffering terrible anxiety ridden bouts of depression that I tried to hide through telling people these things are cool and while depressive episodes come in waves I think the only thing 10 years of this brought is the realization that this antiquated format isn't what people wanna do anymore instead they need a more interactive and vocal method that's attached to social media and I don't think I can do that by myself so I guess as it stands the attempted comeback was real and I wanted to try but fucking a was this not ment to be.

So as I sign off I guess I'll go out with one thing that most truly rang true and it was this line,

"I'm so angry, I’m gonna get a tattoo
That says fuck Jeremy Clarkson and fuck you too
While you're sitting there living out your last years
You'll wonder why you gave into right winged fears,"

courtesy of this truly feminist masterpiece of punk:

This year I'm pretty sure I lost a close associate of mine due to my rant post George Floyd protest in regards to Mr. Donald J. Trumps declaration of sending the national guard to try and silence the protest to which I said then and I stand by now if you support that man FUCK YOU! That was close to 15 years and associate and being declaired the god father of his children and a potential best man to his second marriage all thrown away with one unfriending on Facebook to which I'm best off quoting my own mother in saying, "good riddance." 

2020 is the end of a lot of things and a time frame we all need to begin to really change things aren't ever going to be the same and to try and keep em that way is stupid and selfish grow up, move on, and improve things to come for those in the future because when you've passed on there's no afterlife just and end of one so be something worth a fuck now.

Twas fuck while it lasted but all things need to come to an end so thank you and have a wonderful day please for all that is good and progressive stop supporting terrible ideas and start telling people to fuck off.


Sam's Song Of The Day
