Monday, December 19, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016: #10

10.DREAMERS-Sweet Disaster

I can't lie I fucking love this band so much so that I literally bought a ticket to a show just because they were opening it and finally getting to see them play live FUCKING TWICE! Front row and getting the set-list both times is really something especially since Wolves is still an outstandingly phenomenal piece of alternative rock that only solidified itself as a song that I just can't help but adore whenever I saw them play it at both shows.

So whenever they finally put out their debut album, “This Album Does Not Exist,” I've been racking my brain trying to figure out which of it's other 10 bad ass dance able new wave tinged tracks I'd put on this year end list because in all honesty it's one of the few albums this year that I actually enjoyed and not only purchased but have managed to still listen to all the way through semi consistently since then without it wearing out it's welcome and that's quite the feat because almost all the acts that I've enjoyed years prior have just put out some real clunkers this year and in what's been maybe the most disappointing year of my life it's quite nice for at least one thing from the past year to be worth getting invested in.

Now what song could I possibly pick? Well in all honesty it was tough because, “DRUGS,” is a fucking bad ass tongue and cheek message to society, “Come Down Slow,” is an introspective feel good of a jam, and “Shooting Shadows,” is a personal favorite in it's deliciously dirty lyrics over a very ominously depressing beat but when I kind of listen to the album all the way through and think really hard about it I think this is one instance where I kind of have to go with the main promo single of the whole thing.

“Sweet Disaster,” it's a semi introspective feeling rocker filled with plenty of references to the likes of The Ramones, Rolling Stones, and Talking Heads in-between the various feelings of doubt in what's a sounds like a relationship that's been through a variety of things to lead to a crossroads and while the song has a very optimistic tone there's still an undercurrent of doubt in it's lyrics that help give meaning to the phrase Sweet Disaster and it's that theme among a lot of their tunes that like WOLVES before it I can't help but be attracted to.

These guy's are one of the better bands I've seen come along in qutie some time and I'd very much advise picking up their record because it's quite the listen from beginning to end and their live show is absolutely phenomenal.

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