Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Sam's Top 20 of 2016: #3

3.Dropout-Rachel Mallin and the Wild Type

So I started a twitter late last year and like Myspace of yesteryear I came to realize it's a platform of a lot of bands reaching out to a lot of people in an attempt to really get their music out there and one day just out of the blue one Rachel Mallin decided to follow me on there and I'm not a hundred percent sure what but I decided to actually check out her stuff and at the time I remember the only thing immediately available was a page to a kickstarter campaign for the as yet to be released Degenerate Matters EP and I'm not going to lie as much as that video amused the ever loving fuck out of it and as cool as the 15 second clip of Dropout was I didn't have the money to pay towards it and I kind of am weary of those kinds of things because you really don't know what you're going to get.

Now with that in mind I eventually just asked her if she had any other music out and that's when she told me to just look her up and upon doing that I found out that I had one of her songs on an old Spotify playlist that I quite enjoy and after going through a VERY sudden and sad breakup I kind of found her music to be incredibly therapeutic with specifically her track Razorback, which I manged to write a very nice little article about in one of my KC showcase's, being something that I formed a bit of an obsession with that actually lead me to really give Dropout a solid chance an that lead to me really investing in this band.

When I was coming up with this list I originally intended on putting White Girls in this spot because for all intense purposes it's not only a fucking spectacular song, has proved to be a good launchpad for this group, and has lead to plenty of solid radio play to cause people to REALLY take notice of this band and it's quite a great breakout single I just kind of couldn't really do that because if I were to be really honest this song is just something of a beast of it's own.

It's maybe the simplest fucking song they have released right now, a very autobiographical tale obviously inspired by Rachel's decision to drop out of college in order to achieve a dream and a passion that holds way more importance to her than a sleeve of paper and massive debt this song more so than any of the rest of Degenerate Matters is maybe the most passionately important sounding tune she's done so far.

For real every single time I've seen them live the embarrassingly large number of times that is they end their fucking phenomenal live show with this song Rachel putting her guitar down and firmly grasping her microphone in hand before she then belts out this song with the most ferocious intensity, “They'll pray for you, they'll pray for you,” screamed with all the intensity she can muster it really get's driven in just how good this really is and the more time I spend getting to see this band evolve and listen to them live or on whatever device I feel the need to have their music blasting out of this song right here just consistently seems to grow in both importance and quality.

This song is absolutely phenomenal and it deserves all the praise I can possibly give it and then some and if any cool independent directors are out there they need to put this in a movie because I'll be the first mother fucker in line to see it that's for god damn sure.

This band is honestly responsible for the single greatest live set that I saw all year and this song is the thing that lead me to check this band out and go see them live all those times and see that phenomenal performance that has stuck with me in a way that few other shows have managed to come just a hair short of that shows utter magic.

Again I fucking love this band.

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