Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Song of the Day 4/1/15

Lifted Up(1985)-Passion Pit

So I’ll be the first to admit that Passion Pit is spotty at best for me because while they’re responsible for some delightfully catchy electro pop numbers the vocals can severely drag and only a couple of songs really seemed to have managed to just kind of stick with me as something I can still stand to listen to and this song and it’s oddly well represented year is one of those tunes that for some reason or another is just to fucking good for what it is.

So this in all honesty is the most synth poppy 80’s new wave sounding track I’ve possibly heard from this band and in all honesty it kind of makes me wonder why they just didn’t take to making pop records any sooner because this songs sugary sweet beats along with a chorus that just demands everyone jump along to just screams the best movie trailer, summertime radio anthem, or hell just a great tune to play in between sets or at bars because it’s just damn fun music in every way.

Although i have to ask in regards to the video who in the hell would ever mosh at a passion pit show?

Monday, March 30, 2015

Song of the Day 3/31/15

Enthropy-Grimes Fet. Bleachers

So if you listened to Strange Desires you’ll know that Grimes and Bleachers actually did a track on that album and it’s really quite a good track to but now they’ve decided to get together and have Grimes do the majority of the singing and what we seem to have here is a really sweet little pop tune that’s kind of tribal at parts but with some of the most dreamy verses I’ve heard from any female singer in a while.

This song’s really kind of adorable in a way and if there was any gripe against it I’d have to say that you really can’t hear any backing vocals from Bleachers so it’s like their credit isn’t even necessary but hey that’s irrelevant when the song is this delightfully dreamy.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Album of the Day 3/26/15

So I can't lie I really dislike a load of modern hard rock and heavy metal acts because they all seem to come off as very single note and boring in plenty of way's and also a lot of modern/hard rock stations have been playing the same shitty songs for the last 10+ years and most of the top acts in modern hard rock make very safe formulaic music, and with that in mind I do occasionally dive in and listen to some of this trash because well.....I was an angry white boy at one time and the occasional heavy record can amuse me.

My only issue in that right is finding the right record to post because there's a few acts that I can decently get behind but I think in this case I'll post something that I recently came across randomly looking at a buddy of mine's collection and gave a whirl in the form of HELLYEAH's debut self titled LP from that magical year of 2007.

I do recall being amused with this band when they came out but then I eventually grew up and kind of broadened my own musical taste so the fact that upon looking up information on them I was surprised to learn that they're still going and while I had no desire to give the new stuff a listen I can say that this album kind of starts out on a really strong note before only really kind of having any bits of being alright when Mudvayne's Chad Gray who in all honesty is a solid vocalist for his genre is screaming the word fuck repeatedly in the more metallic numbers.

In all honesty the best songs on here while being relatively light on overall deph are at best by the number headbanging heavy numbers that only serve as an outlet to just kind of give the drummer from Pantera something to do...

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Album of the Day 3/25/15

So I remember yesterday I posted the new Kendrick Lamar LP because it's pretty fucking great and what's kind of annoying about being technologically behind and poor is that I don't have a copy of that album nor the ability to stream it from my phone so while I was hyped as fuck for it I couldn't just listen to it on my way to work or something so I've been driving around to J. Cole's Born Sinner album which actually is another one of those rap albums that I kind of started listening to through a buddy and oddly enough found myself REALLY enjoying more than any other rap album before it.

I'm not entirely sure what it is that I enjoy so much about this album but from the kind of bombastic blast of fucks that is VIlluminati, to a fair amount of tracks that explore a variety of themes, and some truly amusingly memorable verses this album is just one big solid collection of awesome that's only real gripe in my honest opinion is that it could have done without the skits and instead just had them as a part of the songs themselves.

Really one of my personal favorite rap albums people so give it a good listen...

Monday, March 23, 2015

Album of the Day?

So I've been trying to brainstorm a weeks worth of ideas but in all honesty I've kind of been pre-occupied with random chores and what not so I kind of only really been listening to a few of the same albums and songs repeatedly.

One more recent album I've decided to give a good listen is the recent Kendrick Lamar LP To Pimp a Butterfly which in all honesty might be the best god damn rap album I've heard maybe ever and the critical press seems to be having an utter field day with this album to the point where I'm seeing it have probably the highest scores of any album in quite some time and in all honesty it all seems very well deserved because this isn't a club banging collection of overly long jams that kind of drag on after listening to the album after a while but rather a very conscientious effort that really seems to have a lot to say and takes every opportunity to say it.

I'm pretty sure this may be considered a classic before we know it although I will say that this album kind of has a 90's throwback in a lot of it's instrumentals which is completely irrelevant but still give this album a fucking listen it's great....

Friday, March 20, 2015

Song of the Day 3/21/15

Helena-My Chemical Romance

OK let’s be real here you damn well knew that one of the big 3 emo acts had to be mentioned at some point this week and in asking around what to cover it occurred to me that this week should end with probably the more semi consistent of the big 3 which for those unfamiliar would be Fallout Boy, Panic! At the Disco, and of course My Chemical Romance.

Now what always surprised me about that time frame in retrospect is how of all the bands to just kind of break out these guys were one of them and that of all the songs they did this song in particular was the one that broke them really into the mainstream and it’s not that I’m discrediting the song itself but it’s just kind of interesting to think that while I’m not OK kind of got them recognition this song got MTV rotations and people to go pick up Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge which is really a solid album but it also did eventually lead to the vastly superior Black Parade album which was the real commercial and creative peak for this band because like their contemporaries they had to expand their songs to be something more than slopped together rockers and they did which sadly that didn’t go to Danger Day’s which was the, “oh Shit our fans moved on and now we’re playing to young kids that don’t get it,” album and like their contemporaries things just kind of moved on.

All that critique aside this song still has an oddly amusing charm to it that hasn’t been to diluted to terrible follow up records like Panic! or Fallout Boy’s  more recent records though there’s a charm to going back to this semi knock off Misfits inspired act every once in a blue moon because they actually crafted plenty of good tunes that you forget just how good they actually are and it’s the fact that they just kind of said fuck it split up and have been doing there own musical adventures with Gerard Way making a semi alright solo record that’s knocking off glam rockers instead of Billy Corgan and Frank Lero is making music from his garage this band didn’t go some odd electronic direction which I can more then appreciate.

Well I guess that wraps up emo week time to bandage your cuts and remember that you’re a grown up now people but maybe in due time I can do this again because it’s kind of fun to throwback and of course there’s a shit load of acts that I didn’t cover but until then time to extra not act my age…

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Song of the Day 3/20/15

Konstantine-Something Corporate

This song was actually suggested by somebody when I asked for songs for this week’s theme and while I’ve been aware of this band and more specifically their song Space I never really dived deep into their catalogue so I was rather surprised when I first heard this song and realized it was this 9+ minute piano epic of a track that just kind of explores a wide variety of feelings and emotions and also noticed there’s a shit load of comments on the video for this tune about people being taken back or put into a special place when they hear this slow burner of a tune.

Also upon doing a bit more research as to the significance of this song I also seem to read how they didn’t’ want to perform this song that often because of the fact that the lead singer felt it’d be so much a thing that he himself would have to do it every single night which is a bit excessive really but whatever this song’s still a nice slow burner of a gem that really showcases a band trying to be something more than their genre suggest and it’s held up incredibly well when compared to the rest of it’s genre.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Song of the Day 3/19/15

Uneasy Hearts Weigh the Most-Dance Gavin Dance

I was suggested to listen to this band through a co-worker of mine and after giving some of their music a listening I have to say that they’re a pretty groovy Emo outfit and this song in particular was probably the best one I recalled hearing.

It’s music is probably the best part of this song because they really use a lot of catchy alternative guitar work and this song likes to jump between kind of danceable jangly rock music, kind of screamo breakdowns, and even some very early 2000’s sounding emo and that’s even more present in it’s kind of child like lyrics that are equal parts romantic as they are disillusioned.

To put it simply this songs pretty bad ass even if the vocals are straight out of an era that has long passed.