Monday, March 23, 2015

Album of the Day?

So I've been trying to brainstorm a weeks worth of ideas but in all honesty I've kind of been pre-occupied with random chores and what not so I kind of only really been listening to a few of the same albums and songs repeatedly.

One more recent album I've decided to give a good listen is the recent Kendrick Lamar LP To Pimp a Butterfly which in all honesty might be the best god damn rap album I've heard maybe ever and the critical press seems to be having an utter field day with this album to the point where I'm seeing it have probably the highest scores of any album in quite some time and in all honesty it all seems very well deserved because this isn't a club banging collection of overly long jams that kind of drag on after listening to the album after a while but rather a very conscientious effort that really seems to have a lot to say and takes every opportunity to say it.

I'm pretty sure this may be considered a classic before we know it although I will say that this album kind of has a 90's throwback in a lot of it's instrumentals which is completely irrelevant but still give this album a fucking listen it's great....

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