Friday, December 11, 2015

Sam's Top 20 of 2015 #11

#11 King Kunta-Kendrick Lamar

I'm not going to lie the first five tracks of this album was probably the best god damn thing I heard album wise ALL YEAR and yet for some reason or another I keep dipping out of this awesome bit of G-funk heavy amazing and only find myself randomly getting reminded of the heaviest and most consistently great rap album I've heard since J. Cole's, “Born Sinner,” but unlike that album this one I found right in the ripe of it's cultural importance and while I'm not going to get into it this was the most  currently relevant message made all year and this song is just one of MANY great cuts that I had to choose from and while I personally prefer Wesley's Theory for both it's sampling of Boris Gardner's, “Every Nigger is a Star,” but it's pure fast paced interestingly lyrical cut I just kind of found this to be a song that could stand on it's own as a single rather then that one which just kind of sucks you in and is like the rock you trip over before falling into the rabbit hole.

I'd honestly have this higher but it's my own personal lack of consistency in listening to the album in question that has it just barely miss out on the top 10.

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