Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Sam Sugguest A Song: OctaHate by Ryn Weaver

So there's a variety of tunes that I've been spending a decent amount of time listening to and in some instances they seem to have been picking up some steam in terms of people actually listening to them and that's where this song OctaHate by one Ryn Weaver seems to come into place because I remember being suggested this song by someone a few months back and thinking that it had one killer chorus but sounded too much like it was trying to sound like a host of other artist so for the most part I just kind of decided to kind of throw it on a Spotify list and kind of let it do it's thing and like a lot of songs it just kind of started growing on me in due time and now I find it to be one killer track.

At it's core it's a fairly straightforward post break-up heartbreak heavy track that's not really anything special minus a line about how she's moving into retrograde which is kind of a cool lyric in all honesty but even so it's not really the words as much as her method of delivery which is through this chorus that kind of steamrolls over you like a bat outta hell and these verses that all end in one word being stretched out to almost emphasis her desire to not let go of a love that's obviously gone.

Criticisms of unoriginality aside I did manage to give some of her other stuff a listen and even take the time to view a couple of live recordings of her and she's a solid little talent that I doubt will be something huge but the music being presented is of a good enough quality that I feel it's worth the time to highlight and hopefully inform people of especially if you kind of like really straightforward poppy numbers that aren't really fun times and cute crushes but also that don't kind of bore you along and feel overly pretentious instead she's kind of a nice split between a forward thinking pop singer like Kimbra and a pop machine like Tove Lo...

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