Friday, December 26, 2014

Sam's Top 20 of 2014: #1

1. Neon Trees- I love you(But I hate Your Friends)

I went to a lot of shows this year and I just got to see SO MANY AMAZING FUCKING ACTS but the show I was honestly THE MOST hyped up for was this little power pop group’s free offering up in Power and Light because not only did they manage to make my favorite album of the year, NOT ONLY did I get to see an AMAZING SHOW FRONT FUCKING ROW, not only did I get to shake Tyler Glenns hand, and not only DID I get the most important record I’ve had in quite some time for free but in all honesty I think that same album and show was probably the therapy I needed.

Like I said my life went to a really dark place people and in some sick fucked up way there wasn’t too many things that consistently gave me any sense of joy or happiness but oddly enough it was the songs that were the most important and Pop Psychology as an album is one of those records that filled with them and while I’d say Living In another World is the song I really NEEDED to hear live and did and of course loved it’s a bit hard to really think of it as the best because of all the songs released and meant to promote these acts and the efforts they were making this was probably the song that sold me the most on Pop Psychology and it’s still the most consistent tune that I find myself loving all these odd months later and constant rotations.

It’s a big energetic ball of wonder with a music video that seems like some odd art house bojankies that only the Talking Heads would do that is also something true as hell in that you may like someone but you never like their company and everyone can attest to that.

I honestly think this was the best song of the year for many reasons but if I had to say anything it’d probably be this amongst all the amazing shows, bad ass new artist, and amazing songs I’ve heard this one without a doubt when I look at the list I compiled was my clear cut choice of what I truly thought was the best and because of that its ranked accordingly. 

Neon Trees had an amazing year and followed up an album amazing enough to make me write a fucking screenplay to it with a collection of songs that was the strongest effort I’ve listened to through and through and because of that I just can’t help but be glad their music actually hit me in a special place and gave me some encouragement to really REALLY write something special and this song is a good example of the joys I can feel because of the music I hear so sorry to be all preachy and kind of cheesy but this song FUCKING KICKS ASS PEOPLE and it’s my pick for the best song of 2014 thanks for reading through these 20 day’s people here’s to a hopefully great 2015 and of course go like the fucking facebook page it’s all I really could ask for shit I’ll link it AGAIN! 

But all jokes aside I’m going to attempt to come up with something hopefully the beginning of next week then most likely take the rest of the year off because I didn’t post enough this year and I’ll be back January 1st but until then listen on and keep on kicking ass…

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