Friday, December 29, 2017

One Last announcement for 2017

Well that's it folks 2017 is about done and you all know my best cuts of the year and now with all of that behind I'm ready for the second planned announcement in regards to Sam's Song of the Day 2018 and what is that you may ask?

Well....after about 8 years of posting about the various songs, artist, albums, shows, and other things on my mind Sam's Song of the Day is coming to an end.

Yeah that's a crazy thought to think of and unlike a lot of other blog related things I'm not going anywhere bigger with this project I'm just going to be taking 2018 as a year off from this personal project of mine.

There's a variety of things on my mind to express to everybody but before I can get to telling you why I'm leaving this project I kind of need to express a certain level of gratification and thanks because this year was an odd one to me that kind of has felt like two complete halves of one bigger picture and in my own bits of dealing with a host of personal issues that have lead me to have to stop this project I feel that I need to give some thanks to the fine musical scene of one KCMO/K because while it's been a roller coaster for things I've managed to of been one lucky bastard when it comes to the overwhelming warm embrace of the local acts that I've been covering for the better part of 2 years from giving me insight to the year end list, sharing my post, telling me their appreciation for my kind words, and the occasional perk of some free product this town has been the best with a special shout out to The Record bar in particular for driving me out to see Yes You Are the day after Thanksgiving which gave me a level of gratuity that I honestly can't comprehend or properly vocalize.

Also this scene has given me the best god damn birthday parties a mother fucker could ever ask for, but even with all that warm embracing I'm a human with a complex set of emotions that I have to deal with and that's where this break is coming from.

I got issues personal, professional, and financial and about 3 plus years of unfortunate events has lead me to dip horribly in the quality of material I've pumped out on this website for the past few years and if the post numbers are any indication I seem to pretty confidently say that I need to stop for a while and learn about what made me love music again.

I'm not going to completely stop writing and Sam's Song of the Day isn't dead in the dirt I still have a Facebook page I'll be periodically posting on but the whole writing out opinion pieces thing will be taking a back seat as I spend the next year or so working on other projects and hopefully moving on to better ventures that stimulate my creative side a little bit more like maybe writing for somebody else, making the next great story, or hell the possibilities are endless at this point all I know for sure is I'm going to be doing something and throwing a Sam's Birthday Bash 3 SO STAY TUNED FOLKS.

It's been fun and it's been real folks but for me this project hasn't been productive and a break much needed so I can one day come crashing back in your life and show you what truly is the best song you'll ever hear but until that day comes I'll be a searching for it but until then here's the first song I ever posted about when I first started this on the Smashing Pumpkins forums all those years ago have a wonderful day folks.

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