AH YEAH SON one of my favorite bands from this little city of mine has released a new song today and I am incredibly pumped because I remember seeing them debut this a few months back at a show they were having and have seen it grown and morph as they continue to get more and more comfortable with the track and now it's finally here so I can 1. Quit having one line of it stuck in my head and 2. Finally know what the Drummer is screaming near the end of the song so I can possibly maybe sorta most likely one of these day's scream along with him.
Rambling thoughts aside what exactly do we have here with this new tune well this song is dedicated to the memory of one Anthony Saluto a Kansas City native who was tragically killed last year and lyrically this song is loaded with very introspective lyrics that are performed in a surprisingly contained manor which is different of Sarah Storm which is quite different in a pleasant way because she's seemed to really put forth a performance that showcases a lot more maturity and self control to help her echoing cry's of, "I keep counting the day's I've wasted," really ring true at least to this listener I really can feel every ounce of agony and emotion she delivers.
This song is quite an excellent little cut and I very much advise all of you go out and buy it now because this band is not only one of the nicest group of people I've ever meet they also are some truly talented musicians that put on an excellent live show and really make some quality music for emotionally distraught people and for the low low price of a dollar this song is a steal go buy it yesterday OH and also if you're in the Chicago, Wisconsin, Minnesota, or Kansas City area this week you owe it to yourself to make a trip to see these guy's live you will be as hooked as I was the first time I saw them.
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