Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Sam Sugguest a Song: Six-All that Remains

So there was this odd metalcore explosion when i was in middle and high school and the sheer amount of these bands that you couldn't really distinguish from one another on top of just how many of them lightened up and got really bad kind of make re-hearing some of these older tunes a bit of a trip especially if their still pretty good like today's cut.

I'm not going to lie I am more then sure that the only reason I heard this song was because it was in Guitar Hero and I recall a lot of the people I knew that really sunk hours into that game playing this along with a variety of the other Metalcore tracks because of it's fast pace, blistering difficulty, and teh fact that it rocks pretty fucking hard with it's mostly screamed vocals and a large amount of breakdowns and chugging rifts that are semi reminiscent of Slayer and Pantera.

Overall still a fun tune if not a pretty unoriginal one....

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