So I was at work and this song just kind of randomly came to mind and the fact that Playing the Angel probably had the strongest first few tracks of any album I've ever heard while also being a fairly religiously heavy record about repent and life which after 10 years is starting to finally show up to me which is kind of odd considering this track is an overly political piece that was very much accurate to my thoughts and feelings at the time and this little fan video is something to this day I still stand by....
The ongoing rants of one man out to introduce the world to the tunes that inhabit the space inside of that region known as his mind a collection of the songs that have shaped his day, his Song of the Day.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Song of the Day 5/28/15
So for whatever reason I just can't get enough of this awesomely new wave tune in the form of Neon Tree's newest ode to a failed relationship in the form of this faced paced energetic rocker, "Songs I can't Listen To," which is an awkwardly appropriate tune when the occasions right and one accurate side effect of relationships gone wrong in it's exclamations of how music really can take you to a time and a place and whenever someone ends something good those songs go with it which is saddening but still at the very least we can all accept it and of course rock out to this song which sounds like it'd of fit nicely tucked away in the middle of Picture Show.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Song of the Day 5/27/15
I remember being told about this song by my lady friend and upon giving it a listen it came off as very familiar because I think i remember hearing it after seeing it posted on my local alternative rock stations Facebook page but I didn't immediately get to posting about it because I needed time to really see how this tune would sit on me and in time it's done pretty decent.
This song is kind of like some T-Rex inspired Glam rocker sang by a guy that looks like a cross between Hozier and the guy from The Darkness and it's very 70's sound is only proven to be so much more awesome whenever he hits those glam inspired notes when refraining the line, "your electric LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE!!!" which gives the song a very space like quality that's pretty well represented by it's colorful and amusing music video.
So if you want some throwback awesomeness I'd highly advise blasting this tune....
This song is kind of like some T-Rex inspired Glam rocker sang by a guy that looks like a cross between Hozier and the guy from The Darkness and it's very 70's sound is only proven to be so much more awesome whenever he hits those glam inspired notes when refraining the line, "your electric LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE!!!" which gives the song a very space like quality that's pretty well represented by it's colorful and amusing music video.
So if you want some throwback awesomeness I'd highly advise blasting this tune....
new music,
New Single,
Monday, May 25, 2015
Song of the Day 5/26/15
So I am the worst blogger in the world because for lack of a better word I have absolutely no motivation what so ever to really come up with these this month because I've been focusing on a shit load of other things that have been taking form for me and to say that it's difficult for me to really REALLY write about music is a bit of an understatement but among anything that's been worth writing about I recently decided to do my wonderful girl friend something nice and I recently got her a copy of the new Twenty One Pilots album Blurryface and upon realizing that I had a free audio rip of the album because you know Amazon is a thing I've taken the time to give it a listen and it's not a bad record per say but it's still not completely selling me on this band as something worth just completely investing myself into but admittedly there's quite a few solidly good poppy tracks that will get you moving like the opening track, "Heavydirtysoul," which is a very steadily paced kind of thumping dance track that has their patented rapped vocals intermixed with some kind of dub steppy sounding instruments and after that you're getting a fair amount of other electronic heavy tracks and a lot of reggae which is interesting but that's not really the focus here because there's kind of one super stand out track that's today's highlight.
Tear in my heart-Twenty One Pilots
So this song in all honesty is the most refreshing thing on that album because it's the most rock of any track I've heard on that album and it manages to really take that kind of we're two dopey looking white guy's that like to bash drums and scream out oddly rapped vocals over a earworm of a chorus that will kind of move things along in a very poppy way quite effectively and that's rather enjoyable for me because it helps make the line about filling potholes with more cement the most charming thing I've probably heard this year and of course its' kind of cute to put your head on someone's shoulder while you sing along with that.
I can't say too many things about this band in all honesty but their music is hella fun for the A.D.D. generation of instagram social media focused kids...
Tear in my heart-Twenty One Pilots
So this song in all honesty is the most refreshing thing on that album because it's the most rock of any track I've heard on that album and it manages to really take that kind of we're two dopey looking white guy's that like to bash drums and scream out oddly rapped vocals over a earworm of a chorus that will kind of move things along in a very poppy way quite effectively and that's rather enjoyable for me because it helps make the line about filling potholes with more cement the most charming thing I've probably heard this year and of course its' kind of cute to put your head on someone's shoulder while you sing along with that.
I can't say too many things about this band in all honesty but their music is hella fun for the A.D.D. generation of instagram social media focused kids...
Monday, May 18, 2015
You know what grinds my gears?!?!?!
Yes you read that right I'm a steal this bitch right from Family Guy because there's a topic that's been on my mind for a minute and I wanna bitch about it so bear with me because I'm a hella go on a bit of a vulgarity laden romp through my opinion people and the topic that's got my gears grinding today.....Covers.
Ok now I'm not saying that I dislike the idea of one artist covering another artist music at all in fact I've covered that topic plenty of times on here just look back at the old two-fer Tuesday post and you'll see plenty of covers that I found to be very interesting and in many cases pretty fucking good but too often these day's I'm running into many of the uninformed masses of individuals that seems to constantly parade this idea that some cover version of a tune is better then the originals in one to many cases and that shit really annoys the fuck outta me.
My problem with that is simple...people are wrong there's a very VERY small list of songs that I could fully consider to be superior to the originals and after that about 98 1/4% of every other cover isn't as good and it's simple really because there's no reason that you should say person A isn't as good as person B's because if person A didn't kick so much ass then why would person B cover them and also in most cases covering a song is only really done to boost any particular audiences attention to any act because you're showcasing your talents with a tune they don't have to really put a whole lot of thought into and it's a quick dollar.
So in conclusion if you think that Metallica did any song better then anyone else, you think Shinedown's rendition of simple man is good, or you feel like telling me that any cover you heard on the internet by some schlub who couldn't get the views on the merits of their own music deserves to not be allowed to leave the house without an accompanying helmet because you're wrong and the fact that you think you're right really grinds my gears....
Ok now I'm not saying that I dislike the idea of one artist covering another artist music at all in fact I've covered that topic plenty of times on here just look back at the old two-fer Tuesday post and you'll see plenty of covers that I found to be very interesting and in many cases pretty fucking good but too often these day's I'm running into many of the uninformed masses of individuals that seems to constantly parade this idea that some cover version of a tune is better then the originals in one to many cases and that shit really annoys the fuck outta me.
My problem with that is simple...people are wrong there's a very VERY small list of songs that I could fully consider to be superior to the originals and after that about 98 1/4% of every other cover isn't as good and it's simple really because there's no reason that you should say person A isn't as good as person B's because if person A didn't kick so much ass then why would person B cover them and also in most cases covering a song is only really done to boost any particular audiences attention to any act because you're showcasing your talents with a tune they don't have to really put a whole lot of thought into and it's a quick dollar.
So in conclusion if you think that Metallica did any song better then anyone else, you think Shinedown's rendition of simple man is good, or you feel like telling me that any cover you heard on the internet by some schlub who couldn't get the views on the merits of their own music deserves to not be allowed to leave the house without an accompanying helmet because you're wrong and the fact that you think you're right really grinds my gears....
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Perfect 10's: Mezmerized-System of a Down
So a couple of weeks ago I was watching a recording of System of a Down's free show up in Armenia and after being blown away by the sheer awesomeness of them blasting through a catalog of awesome album cuts and singles I was motivated to grab my copy of Mezmerize/Hyptotize and give that a listen and that's where today's post comes to mind.
We all have a small list of albums that we've heard that in all honesty from beginning to end there isn't a single tune that is bad in all honesty the whole album from beginning to end is all killer with pretty much no filler and after kind of reliving my middle/high school nostalgia fueled excitement I thought to myself that I should highlight such records and with that in mind I'm a do a little segment called Perfect 10's which in all honesty is just a term I'm using to describe an album that from beginning to end is all great with no dips in quality at my humble opinion and since this album was the first one to come to mind I figured fuck it why not.
Mezmerize was System of a Downs 4th studio album released on May 17, 2005 and was the first half of a double album with the second half Hypnotize released about 6 months later and while they should be observed as a whole album in all honesty I find Mezmerize to be such a superior product in it's own right that I often just kind of keep forgetting about Hypnotize even though it is a solid album in it's own right but that's not the thing we're talking about here.
From beginning to end this album is an all our assault on your senses just brimming with fast paced rockers and amazing guitar work through and through with the right blend of super obscured and awkward lyrics like Cigarago and Violent Pornography that are merely there to kind of make you listen so you can come to realize like every album this band has done it's an incredibly politically charged work that shines very heavily in it's biggest cut B.Y.O.B. and Sad Statue the latter of which has some of the most impressive guitar work I've heard from this band probably ever and actually wiht that in mind the middle eastern influence in guitar tones is more overt in this album especially in a track like Revenga.
Overall this album really shines for me because it just doesn't let up at any points it's a hard hitting effort of amazingly well done songs that for whatever reason or another haven't aged like their contemporaries and when i come to realize it's been 10 years since it came out and it still pounds as amazingly great now as it did then I'm only more impressed.
Really if you haven't given this a listen and you want some Heavy Metal that's more then just breakdowns and screamed vocals then you should own this album 10/10 highly recommended.
Quality Cuts: Sad Statue, Old School Hollywood, Violent Pornography, and Questions?
We all have a small list of albums that we've heard that in all honesty from beginning to end there isn't a single tune that is bad in all honesty the whole album from beginning to end is all killer with pretty much no filler and after kind of reliving my middle/high school nostalgia fueled excitement I thought to myself that I should highlight such records and with that in mind I'm a do a little segment called Perfect 10's which in all honesty is just a term I'm using to describe an album that from beginning to end is all great with no dips in quality at my humble opinion and since this album was the first one to come to mind I figured fuck it why not.

Mezmerize was System of a Downs 4th studio album released on May 17, 2005 and was the first half of a double album with the second half Hypnotize released about 6 months later and while they should be observed as a whole album in all honesty I find Mezmerize to be such a superior product in it's own right that I often just kind of keep forgetting about Hypnotize even though it is a solid album in it's own right but that's not the thing we're talking about here.
From beginning to end this album is an all our assault on your senses just brimming with fast paced rockers and amazing guitar work through and through with the right blend of super obscured and awkward lyrics like Cigarago and Violent Pornography that are merely there to kind of make you listen so you can come to realize like every album this band has done it's an incredibly politically charged work that shines very heavily in it's biggest cut B.Y.O.B. and Sad Statue the latter of which has some of the most impressive guitar work I've heard from this band probably ever and actually wiht that in mind the middle eastern influence in guitar tones is more overt in this album especially in a track like Revenga.
Overall this album really shines for me because it just doesn't let up at any points it's a hard hitting effort of amazingly well done songs that for whatever reason or another haven't aged like their contemporaries and when i come to realize it's been 10 years since it came out and it still pounds as amazingly great now as it did then I'm only more impressed.
Really if you haven't given this a listen and you want some Heavy Metal that's more then just breakdowns and screamed vocals then you should own this album 10/10 highly recommended.
Quality Cuts: Sad Statue, Old School Hollywood, Violent Pornography, and Questions?
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Sam Sugguest a Song: Six-All that Remains
So there was this odd metalcore explosion when i was in middle and high school and the sheer amount of these bands that you couldn't really distinguish from one another on top of just how many of them lightened up and got really bad kind of make re-hearing some of these older tunes a bit of a trip especially if their still pretty good like today's cut.
I'm not going to lie I am more then sure that the only reason I heard this song was because it was in Guitar Hero and I recall a lot of the people I knew that really sunk hours into that game playing this along with a variety of the other Metalcore tracks because of it's fast pace, blistering difficulty, and teh fact that it rocks pretty fucking hard with it's mostly screamed vocals and a large amount of breakdowns and chugging rifts that are semi reminiscent of Slayer and Pantera.
Overall still a fun tune if not a pretty unoriginal one....
I'm not going to lie I am more then sure that the only reason I heard this song was because it was in Guitar Hero and I recall a lot of the people I knew that really sunk hours into that game playing this along with a variety of the other Metalcore tracks because of it's fast pace, blistering difficulty, and teh fact that it rocks pretty fucking hard with it's mostly screamed vocals and a large amount of breakdowns and chugging rifts that are semi reminiscent of Slayer and Pantera.
Overall still a fun tune if not a pretty unoriginal one....
Monday, May 11, 2015
Meg I know you're not sorry
So I was on Facebook today and saw a post from Meg Myers official page where I finally got to see the cover and get the name of her upcoming full studio album Sorry which has me a good bit pumped to get to finally listen to a full studio release and to see if she decides to keep any songs from her two current EP's Daughter in the Choir and Make a Shadow but either way it should be awesome and I'll do my best to give it a full listen to upon release but until then I guess I can continue to just listen to Sorry as a single.
Also pardon my lack of post getting re-acquainted with this is kind of difficult....
Also pardon my lack of post getting re-acquainted with this is kind of difficult....
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Charli? I guess her and Jack really do feel like Doing a tour....
You come across a variety of tunes when you jump around as many songs as I have and some times you wonder why in the hell any artist makes the decisions they do and recently I came across the fact that one Charli XCX and Bleachers are actually touring together which in all honesty doesn't surprise me at all considering Charli XCX's audience is a lot larger then Bleachers and the fact that Jack Antonoff has written music for the likes of Taylor Swift, Carley Rey Jepsen, and Christina Perri should make this fact even less of a surprise but even so you're a bit taken back.
With that in mind I'm oddly reminded of this tune she did that got a remix with Rita Ora providing some additional verses called Doing it that in all honesty is a dirty little pop song that takes one to many vocal cues and instruments that sound like a middle of the road Maria Carey tune from the 90's but there's a stupid kind of charm that like any song this chicks done leave you with something to giggle to when you're drunk as a skunk in winter.
Not sure if I'd even bother to see said show because of whatever odd choices of touring partners are made but even so there's still catchy tunes to be done and while none of this really has anything to do with one another that's kind of exactly how I felt when i saw that line up although i will say their opening act has a really catchy song to his credit that i may cover eventually.
With that in mind I'm oddly reminded of this tune she did that got a remix with Rita Ora providing some additional verses called Doing it that in all honesty is a dirty little pop song that takes one to many vocal cues and instruments that sound like a middle of the road Maria Carey tune from the 90's but there's a stupid kind of charm that like any song this chicks done leave you with something to giggle to when you're drunk as a skunk in winter.
Not sure if I'd even bother to see said show because of whatever odd choices of touring partners are made but even so there's still catchy tunes to be done and while none of this really has anything to do with one another that's kind of exactly how I felt when i saw that line up although i will say their opening act has a really catchy song to his credit that i may cover eventually.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Song of the Day 5/6/15
So have you ever heard a song so deliciously sweet that you just can't help but get some oddly satisfying warm fuzzies when you listen to it? Well that's what I've seemed to of come across with this newest cut from Bleachers and Grimes in the form of one Enthrapy.
Aside from a very interesting name this song is kind of pure bubblegum poppy glory in about every way from Grimes high pitched sweetly sang vocals to the kind of tribal march of a beat to it's very light lyrics this song just kind of makes things very floaty and adorable and after giving it a few weeks to kind of do it's thing I still find it to be a delightfully dreamy track.
Aside from a very interesting name this song is kind of pure bubblegum poppy glory in about every way from Grimes high pitched sweetly sang vocals to the kind of tribal march of a beat to it's very light lyrics this song just kind of makes things very floaty and adorable and after giving it a few weeks to kind of do it's thing I still find it to be a delightfully dreamy track.
new music,
New Single,
Sam Sugguest A Song: OctaHate by Ryn Weaver
So there's a variety of tunes that I've been spending a decent amount of time listening to and in some instances they seem to have been picking up some steam in terms of people actually listening to them and that's where this song OctaHate by one Ryn Weaver seems to come into place because I remember being suggested this song by someone a few months back and thinking that it had one killer chorus but sounded too much like it was trying to sound like a host of other artist so for the most part I just kind of decided to kind of throw it on a Spotify list and kind of let it do it's thing and like a lot of songs it just kind of started growing on me in due time and now I find it to be one killer track.
At it's core it's a fairly straightforward post break-up heartbreak heavy track that's not really anything special minus a line about how she's moving into retrograde which is kind of a cool lyric in all honesty but even so it's not really the words as much as her method of delivery which is through this chorus that kind of steamrolls over you like a bat outta hell and these verses that all end in one word being stretched out to almost emphasis her desire to not let go of a love that's obviously gone.
Criticisms of unoriginality aside I did manage to give some of her other stuff a listen and even take the time to view a couple of live recordings of her and she's a solid little talent that I doubt will be something huge but the music being presented is of a good enough quality that I feel it's worth the time to highlight and hopefully inform people of especially if you kind of like really straightforward poppy numbers that aren't really fun times and cute crushes but also that don't kind of bore you along and feel overly pretentious instead she's kind of a nice split between a forward thinking pop singer like Kimbra and a pop machine like Tove Lo...
At it's core it's a fairly straightforward post break-up heartbreak heavy track that's not really anything special minus a line about how she's moving into retrograde which is kind of a cool lyric in all honesty but even so it's not really the words as much as her method of delivery which is through this chorus that kind of steamrolls over you like a bat outta hell and these verses that all end in one word being stretched out to almost emphasis her desire to not let go of a love that's obviously gone.
Criticisms of unoriginality aside I did manage to give some of her other stuff a listen and even take the time to view a couple of live recordings of her and she's a solid little talent that I doubt will be something huge but the music being presented is of a good enough quality that I feel it's worth the time to highlight and hopefully inform people of especially if you kind of like really straightforward poppy numbers that aren't really fun times and cute crushes but also that don't kind of bore you along and feel overly pretentious instead she's kind of a nice split between a forward thinking pop singer like Kimbra and a pop machine like Tove Lo...
Baroque Pop,
Ryn Weaver,
Top 40
Monday, May 4, 2015 anyone there? Also NEW NEON TREES!!!!
Hey world it's me Sam and I realized that I kind of went about a month not posting on here just randomly out of the blue to which I really can only explain that last month was one of those times where in which I kind of both have a decent amount of bullshit I gotta sort through and also other things just kind of went down that left me in a wide variety of moods and that's kind of where this fun little tune comes into play.
So not only have The Smashing Pumpkins announced that they're doing some acoustic shows and coming around my neck of the woods to which I totally bought a ticket, Prom was pretty fucking amazing this year especially Vance Joy, oh and Neon Tree's have released a new single so.....FUCK YEAH!!!!!
Ok on the topic of the new single it's a super New Wave tinged rocker that kind of sounds like it'd fit perfectly fine onto Picture Show's track list and it's lyrically a semi somber tale with it's themes of heart ache and it's very VERY appropriate metaphor of how when somethings over we all end up with, "a list of songs I can't Listen to," which for the better part of this month has been something buuuuut i digress because while this is a very understated tune tat kind of doesn't build up to anything spectacular at the end it's still a nice little number that I can see myself digging more and more as I give it repeated listens.
I'm aware it's been a minute and while I should just take the time to really update I think this song should be a good idea of both moving on from annoying periods and making something good but if I were to say anything semi personal....I've been working on some stories hopefully i can make something of them...
So not only have The Smashing Pumpkins announced that they're doing some acoustic shows and coming around my neck of the woods to which I totally bought a ticket, Prom was pretty fucking amazing this year especially Vance Joy, oh and Neon Tree's have released a new single so.....FUCK YEAH!!!!!
Ok on the topic of the new single it's a super New Wave tinged rocker that kind of sounds like it'd fit perfectly fine onto Picture Show's track list and it's lyrically a semi somber tale with it's themes of heart ache and it's very VERY appropriate metaphor of how when somethings over we all end up with, "a list of songs I can't Listen to," which for the better part of this month has been something buuuuut i digress because while this is a very understated tune tat kind of doesn't build up to anything spectacular at the end it's still a nice little number that I can see myself digging more and more as I give it repeated listens.
I'm aware it's been a minute and while I should just take the time to really update I think this song should be a good idea of both moving on from annoying periods and making something good but if I were to say anything semi personal....I've been working on some stories hopefully i can make something of them...
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