Thursday, August 28, 2014

Your Throwback Thursday

Alex C.-

It takes me back to when I was a kid, chilling with my brothers and listening to the radio out the kitchen window.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Questions, feedback, and ideas...

So I feel like trying out different articles and what not and I honestly brainstorm a lot but can't seem to remember and also feel like it'd be good to get some feedback from you guys so if you haven't you should go like The Official Facebook Page and comment on various ideas, songs, and what-not you feel I should cover and also make sure to contribute Throwback Thursday's so I can have more of those to post because your feedback is more then welcomed...

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday Two-Fer

So it’s Tuesday and that means that it’s time for yet another exciting edition of Tuesday Two-fer and with that in mind I think I’m going to try something different with today’s tune because it get’s difficult to do what I’d say would be more legitimate covers.

Now when I say that what I really mean is that the songs selected got an actual recording for an album weather it was as a bonus tune for a deluxe edition or greatest hits package and I prefer to do those because to be blunt anybody can record a cover for Youtube and just let it do its thing which isn’t bad and I’ve taken that liberty every once in a blue moon because occasionally people do some interesting things.

With that in mind I found myself driving home and was listening to this CD I have where I basically took J. Coles Born Sinner album and tacked on some tracks at the end and I was reminded of this really bad ass song that’s kind of more of a reimagining then a cover but I figured that since it still maintains a decent amount of the thoughts, feelings, themes, and beat of the song it’s re-doing I’d figure I’d cover it today so not really a cover per say but rather a different take…

1979-The Smashing Pumpkins(1995) & 1997-XV(2008)

So before I get into the songs in question I figure I’d give some background into how I came across this little tune.

As I’ve posted before I use to spend a lot of time on the Smashing Pumpkins official Forums and whenever I wasn’t being ignored in the main band section I’d often go troll the general music thread and one random day I was just looking around and I saw some post labled 1997 and with curiosity in tow I saw a link to a Youtube video that I proceeded to click on and was greeted with a video of this rap song that was sampling 1979 to a video montage of the Sandlot and it blew my fucking mind just how appropriately amazing this was.

With this new found interest in mind I did some research and was able to pull up that the rapper in question XV is actually from Kansas which is pretty cool and he has a couple of other random songs that I enjoy but kind of eventually phased him out whenever I spent more time just kind of listening to other genre’s that I more preferred, but that’s beside the point because this song just kind of more so then anything else I could care to listen to by him has a more timeless feel to it that to this day I still find myself kind of rapping his verses when I hear the original.

So 1997 why does this particular tune stick so well with me…well it’s in all intensive purposes the fact that the lyrics almost paint the perfect picture of life for me when I was 12 or 11 and the use of what’s a really dreamy Pumpkins tune that to this day kind of has this very innocently child like carefree vibe to it partly because of it’s amazing music video and it’s fairly care free open ended lyrics and looping electronic sound with probably the most pop sound that any Smashing Pumpkins song had ever reached it’s a song that was kind of remained and not taken away from its initial themes and sounds.

The original of course a classic in its own right kind of already had lyrics that even when I was a kid felt like an expression of youthful glee and discovery and it’s the fact that XV managed to have the same exact thoughts but with a series of verses that more directly address that which leads me to appreciate it so much because it’s not a cover and it’s not relying on a gimmick instead it’s the best re-imagining of a tune I’ve ever heard and it maintains all the joys of the song it’s sampling but it also manages to be a good tune on its own and it’s that reason that it’s good enough to be covered on here…wow that was a terrible pun…

So of course I love them both but feel free to tell me what you think down below…

Smashing Pumpkins:

Monday, August 25, 2014

Song of the Day 8/26/14

So like I said in Friday's Finest I got to go see Bleachers this past weekend and it was a very fun little show that had a load of energy and gave me a sense of that this band might be something after they find more of a groove to their tunes, and amongst the gems of their set I kind of recall one in particular called, "Wake Me."

It's a very kind of dreamy little cut that sounds primed to be in a teenage coming of age kind of romantic comedy with a refrain of, "I can't believe I captured your heart," it's like finally getting to be with your crush and trying to come up with the right words to tell them what you think, a very kind of dreamy joy filled tune that's really just as sweet as it is catchy and one of the more standout tracks on a solid debut album...

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday's Finest

It’s Friday and you know what that means people it’s time for Fridays finest and rather hten wasting time let’s get straight into this weeks goodness…

1. We Are Done-The Madden Brothers

So I remember a time when Good Charlotte where a thing and to eventually learn from a buddy of mine that the primary members have a new project and are getting radio play was a bit of a shock and upon listening to the tune I was taken back a tiny bit of it’s very pop approach but after a few listens I have to admit it’s chorus is killer and it’s a nicer change of pace from some individuals that I’m more then sure don’t want to be reminded of their former eye-liner clad times..

2.  Take Me To Church-Hozier

So here’s another newer tune that’s starting to get some radio rotation and has one KILLER chorus and a very kind of stark sound with some mild religious or lustful singing depending on who you ask but I don’t have a whole lot to say right now but expect a potential song of the day for this track some time sooner than later..

3.  Fool’s Gold-Fitz and the Tantrums

So the fact that they released probably the best track from More than Just a Dream as a single to radio recently is something that makes me levels of happy that lead me to only hope that this song get’s the much deserved attention it should get because it’s fucking BAD ASS!!!

4. Miracle-Kimbra

All my love and of course you can read a review for the video on this site so…

5. I wanna Get Better-Bleachers
I get to see these guy’s today and it’s going to be awesome..

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Sam's 1000th Post SPECTACULAR!!!

I’d like to thank all of you for reading these 500 post here’s to 500 more people.

-Thursday, April 26, 2012

So…it’s been two years since that statement was made and I had my 500th post spectacular people and now I’m on post number 1,000 and there are two things that came to mind 1. I’m surprised I let my laziness make it take 2 years to post 500 more times on this blog and 2. HOLY FUCKING SHIT!

I know that was rather inappropriate but you know life’s not really that appropriate when you think about it and just like two years ago I kind of had this odd realization of reaching a fairly large numerical milestone rather suddenly and it’s honestly rather crazy to think of because that’s well over 1000 songs, bands, and topics and since those initial post I’ve gone from just doing song’s of the day’s 7 days a week to expanding to concert, album, and music video reviews along with a myriad of best of list, holiday specials, and even reached the point where I have a weekly schedule of articles which is freaking crazy to think about people.

So here I sit trying to come up with an article proper to kind of capture the craziness of it all and in all honesty I kind of don’t really think there’s much that can be done that hasn’t already been covered on here and I don’t see much a reason to post a Throwback Thursday so I guess I can just thank all of you guy’s for reading and post the song that’s gotten the most views out of any article I’ve posted on this little blog of mine which oddly enough is from February of last year and was the only post I can recall doing in the wee hours of the night after just kind of stumbling upon Fitz and the Tantrums release of the official audio clip for their tune Out of My League where I kind of most literally posted my initial impressions and am amazed that it managed to get read so many times and on a slightly lesser note actually brought this band out of one hit wonderdom which is pretty fucking spectacular…

Also on a lesser note they’ve decided most recently to release my favorite track from that album as their newest radio single in the form of Fools Gold which I’m just going to take credit for now even though I’ve never brought that up at any point in this blog.

Thanks for reading and here’s to 1,000 more people….maybe I can reach it before 5 years from now…

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sam Reviews a Video..."Miracle," Kimbra

So Kimbra has a new music video out for her single miracle…..and prepare to hear that fandom come out here shortly because I might as well talk about the track for a bit before I uhm….dissect the video.
Miracle it’s a very kind of groovy little track that kind of feels like it was lifted from the 90’s with it’s very large chorus and it’s incredibly danceable vibes along with lines as joyously cheesy as, “ Send me your love again, ‘cause you’re my miracle,” which honestly sounds like something I’d expect Mariah Carey to sing which isn’t a bad thing considering that it also has this kind of vibrant 70’s beat that gives it a very danceable feeling to help those simplistic lyrics not feel as cheesy as they normally would and at about the 3 minute mark the song takes a brief second to kind of have this Discovery-era Daft Punk kind of spacey sound thing that’s really groovy.

All those little factors added up really do lead it to be one killer single that I find myself digging repeated listens in.

As for the video…well…I think I’m in love people…

OK I am more than sure if you were to take the time to look over the post I’ve made about this woman you could very easily pick up that I do in fact not only find myself a fan of her music but I also think she’s one drop dead gorgeous singer that I’d bend over backwards for the chance to charm in an instant and the fact that she decided to go by the whole idea of making a video as danceably fun as the track sounds is probably one of the best things for me because I get to see her just showcase the utter joy in her expressions as she belts out this track with some of the most amusingly awkward white girl dancing you’ll see this side of Taylor Swifts most recent outing.

All in all this is simplicity at its finest people because she’s not doing something as oddly quirky as 90’s music or as storybook as Settle Down but rather she’s just kind of having an obviously fun time with a really fun track and having her just kind of walk around and do some 500 days of summer like walking around and making the world showcase your elatedness through well choreographed dances is perfect.
Also she’s just so god damn pretty now isn’t she in that odd little red dress thing and always flashing that bright kind of infectious smile through the whole thing…..AGAIN it’s a crush people don’t judge…

Overall I’m actually quite satisfied with this video because it’s nothing too flashy and it works to kind of make the track feel as bright and fun as it’s intended to so I’m all thumbs up in this review and can only hope that I can acquire the Golden Echo’s sometime soon and maybe get a video for Love In High Places…just saying…