Friday, December 20, 2013

Sam's Top 20 of 2013: #6

6 “Out of My League,” Fitz and the Tantrums

You know there are groups and artist that spend their entire careers being wonderfully obscure, and sometimes the world decides to do something right and gives them a true success and Fitz and the Tantrums are one of those examples of that wonderful occurrence happening and I’m glad to say that they’re known for something more than that group that made Moneygrabber.

Now before I get into it I do have to say that sometimes when compiling these list you’re stuck in a conundrum where you don’t know whether or not to write about the song that brought the most success or the song that you enjoyed most that they actually made this year and while I’d like to highly suggest everybody go out and listen to Fool’s Gold from this album I just had to give this song the nod because without it none of that would have been possible.

Now the thing that set’s this song aside from every other song they’ve made is that rather than being the coolest most retro grooved throwback you’ve heard in a long time they actually made a indie rock song that was completely out of their comfort zone and while it would have backfired for any other group this song actually managed to be quite spectacular which is awesome because here’s a band that I honestly felt have some untapped commercial potential starting to really get a following and the fact that it was the intro to what was quite an awesome album this year only leads me to have to rank it so highly amongst its peers..

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