Monday, August 31, 2015

Song of the Day 9/1/15

So I was going through my local radio stations back catalogue of songs played trying to find a pretty awesome song and I’m reminded of the excess of newer music that’s come out that’s been pretty good and I figure I may as well tell you guy’s about a few of these cuts since I don’t often post much these days and they seem pretty worthwhile.


So I was reading a Buzzfeed article a while back that was saying things that teens think are cool these days and amongst the many disappointments of chokers and high wasted shorts one of the things mentioned was this electro-pop artist Halsey who in all honesty upon giving a few of her tunes a listen is kind of what would happen if Ellie Gouldine and Lorde did the fusion dance and that is hella showcased in this very catchy but kind of, “Tennis Court,” sounding number from her newest album.

This song is really solid and I do actually have some enjoyment listening to it but I’m pretty sure that has to do with it’s fairly rapid fire pace and short run time which doesn’t stretch on more the it needs to also I noticed that it along with a few other songs that I’ve given a listen seem to have some fairly lush and well mixed production that gives the songs a very quality sound even if I’m kind of not to honestly impressed by her as a whole but hey she’s the next big thing apparently and I can see her having a good few years ahead of her.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Sam Reiews an album: Cry Baby-Melanie Martinez

You know going on a hiatus is a terrible idea and I'd highly advise never doing it because even though I've been to a shit load of shows over the past 2 months I've been very much dead in terms of actual creative writing and it's been extra difficult to REALLY be motivated to tell you guy's just how awesome it is to see so many different bands and what not but today seems kind of interesting because not only is Straight Out of Compton out but one Melanie Martinez has released her full length studio debut album Cry Baby and to my excitement I've been giving it a proper listen and well i have a few things to say in a fairly compact matter so let's quit fucking around and do yet another Sam Reviews an album....

So Cry Baby it's a 13 song story of a little girl who's parents are alcoholics who cheat on each other and fuck up her life by distorting her moral compass and making her proceed to both murder and act in a mischievous manor and beyond that story there's not much else in this album besides a shit load of clever word play and some interestingly twisted things over what's very childish instrumentals that add to Martinez's twisted nature and give the album a kind of disturbingly wholesome feel.

In all honesty this album has about 6 killer tracks and the rest just kind of feel more in place to sound catchy and carry along a certain feel to it's aesthetic and story which isn't bad at all especially when some of them are performed live and kind of take a life of their own like the opening track Cry Baby which on here is a kind of tame number with one of the best uses of the word fuck in the whole album which completely changes around and becomes a viciously awesome number in a live environment which was my biggest disappointment when it came to this album but that disappointment is quickly set aside when you reach tracks like Dollhouse and Pity Party which just kind of have a really manic vibe that leads you to just kind of want to freak out along with her and really help hype the story being told.

There's also instances of slower songs really working like Soap which is a kind of dreamy number that musically does a good job of being kind of calming but with a really moveable beat and a chorus that kind of sticks along even if the rest of it is fairly typical stuff, and beyond that the rest of the album tracks don't have any super stand out tracks that are that good or bad for that matter so what I'm stuck with is more a solidly good album that leaves me wanting to listen to it more and seeing just how it develops over time.

Score: 6.5/10

Hits: Pity Party, Soap, Dollhouse

Misses: Cry Baby, Alphabet Boy