So today's been rather difficult to come up with something to actually write about so I decided to go for a walk on some rather unkempt trails and in the process of driving up there and going for a very quiet walk I was thinking to myself about this CD I'd gotten back from a friend of mine that we'd put together god knows how long ago that we called our split 7 even though it's actually 20 songs long, but that's kind of irrelevant because while walking this thought came to mind that kind of inspired the title of this post which is why it's something as stupid as a mix of songs thrown together by two teenagers is something significant.
I was talking to the buddy that I'd made this very odd blend of shitty post grunge, hard rock, and alternative jam's of a CD not too long ago and he's going through some less then pleasant times at this time and in the process of giving him someone to talk to about these times this CD got brought up and I found myself going on this odd tangent because he tried to suggest that we somehow re-burn 2 new copies of this CD so we don't have to continue loaning it out to the other to hold onto for years at a time before eventually remembering to hand it to the other one because it's their turn and the reason I was telling him why we shouldn't do that is because there's this special thing about that CD and that it has to go on until it can't be played anymore and we can't have it any other way no matter how stupid it sounds.
It's this wild little tangent that kind of brings forth this idea that he mentioned where we all are aware that songs can take us to a time and a place in our lives that's a fairly common thing to accept that's why I write the throwback Thursday articles really, but there's something just oddly important about this in that when I'm skipping around trying to comprehend just what was going through my head in why I picked some truly shitty tunes I'm reminded of just how fucking fun it was to come up with this CD and what inspired a decent amount of the song choices and it's that overwhelming sense of nostalgia that makes it feel kind of important which makes me wonder why is that so important?
I can only really kick around an idea so much before I guess that this as cheesy as it sounds has become something more then a fairly amusing bunching of amusingly bad and great tunes from a time when making a mix CD was actually a thing as much as it is one of the remaining tokens of this odd little friendship between two individuals that have moved on to do things in our lives that lead us to really be kind of taken back by just how far apart we've had to grow to grow up and i guess we may have our times when we're annoyed by each other but this CD is just another example of two people that can be scratched up, overplayed, outdated, and likely to skip around but we're still rocking those teenage blues and these tunes are still as awesome as the two of us.
Man looking back can be so much fun but I guess if we do have to make a new split it'd be funny to see if we still like our choices as much almost 10 years later as we did at the time we where picking these tracks...also hopefully less shitty post grunge would be awesome, but even after all these years I'm still going to have to say while I won't post the tracks on the CD this one is still as awesome now as it was the first time Pigmy got me to get my groove on to it while we'd spend hours illegally downloading songs and talking about girls...