So there's this article I'll write on here that's only really been done twice where in which I take the time to very VERY highly praise a tune that I feel is truly one of the greats and today while at work I was singing this wonderful little tune that was really striking true and was more then prepared to take this idea after almost 3 years and finally post about an amazing little punk rock tune that's just to undeniably true about where I am in my life right now....that was up until I was driving home and the following tune not only brought me a sense of elated joy that both left me screaming but actually made ALL the clouds go away and most literally SHINED A FUCKING LIGHT ON ME!!!!!
And because of that moment of clarity I just had to change tune because there's sometimes in life when you just have to write about what's right and in this songs case it's possibly the Greatest Song EVER!
"Head On(Hold On To Your Heart)"-Man Man
So I'm just going to be blunt with you people life in all intensive purposes for me has been shitty as FUUUUUUUUUCK! and it's this increased amount as my ever so in the dog house buddy quoted, "a series of small term issues," that have brought about what's been a very large amount of stress that's had me acting in some rather questionable way's and really just kind of been piling up to really make me just kind of want to scream, but again like I said I was driving home and out of nowhere on that stretch of road that is my way home this song came on the radio and for whatever reason as I turned it up louder then necessary and started singing along the clouds in the sky started to most literally part way and I was greeted by both this oddly amazing feeling of elation and a very nice looking bit of greenery on what's actually a fairly cold and miserable day.
Yes this wonderfully little throwback of a tune that kind of reminds me of Pearl Jams cover of last kiss in that it's an alternative rock song that kind of sounds like an older kind of R&B influenced 60's pop song with a very Doo-whop meet's Baroque Pop sound that's a very sing along vocally impressive rock and roll tune with a lot of emotion poured into a very sad storybook of a tune that's very much pouring a very specific emotion in this tunes case the desire to hold on to that loving spirit we all have with plenty of wonderful word choices like, "Hold it High above flood waters," in between lines about how the singer in question doesn't seem to recognize what he's become and how he needs to keep hope alive in knowing that his heart knows where he's going.
It's an oddly romantic tune that really just kind of hit me like a ton of bricks today and while I may be ever so slightly worn out, tired, and filled with a strong desire to just bitch out everyone around me for being an idiot and for life to quit raining all over my parade I'm kind of having some bit of brightness and clarity by listening to this wonderful little throwback of a tune and i guess in the oddest way possible it might just be the greatest song EVER!
So remember everyone Like my Official Facebook Page, give the newly extended contest a shot to not only get some free advertisement but also give me a new profile picture, and of course enjoy today's wonderful song of the day...