“Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy birthday Sam’s Song of the Day, happy birthday to me.”
Yes people I’ve done it one full year has passed since I started this wonderful little Blog of mine and to say the least it’s an accomplishment I feel some bit of pride for the fact that while I don’t have 365 post I’ve gotten a fuckload none-the-less and feel that I’ve greatly improved in my writing since the first post that one year ago.
Now rather than trying to come up with some grandiose thousand plus word filled article where I put some great piece of work under a microscope and analyze the hell out of it I’m going to instead write for you guy’s something very simple and kind of to the point.
I started this Blog because my buddy Verta one day read a post I had made on my facebook about the song, “Blow Up the Outside World,” where she exclaimed that I must start a blog. Now hearing some exclamation of satisfaction to something I’ve written took me back a bit because for the most part I felt that people just ignored my writings and that I wasn’t really ever likely to go past a few weeks, but time went on and the next thing I know I’d almost done this for a year so upon realizing that people actually could like the product I was posting I decided to give it a shot.
I will admit this does most of the time come off as a bit of a thing that the only real people reading are my close friends and occasionally my mother but the overall response has been positive, and as I near my 2nd year of actually writing these things up I’m going to take a second to sit back and bask in the accomplishment of keeping this bad boy consistently updated for a full year people so you know what why don’t we all sit back, relax, and enjoy this wonderful little celebration of today.